by Gary Schwartz | Oct 18, 2018 | Improv Games, Lecture / Explanation, Viola Spolin
This is part of a documentary series on Improvisation in general and it starts of course with Viola Spolin.
by Gary Schwartz | Oct 18, 2018 | Improv Games, Orientation, Space Objects
Keep the Object in space Using slips of paper, as Viola suggests in the book, is to keep students from pre-planning (playwriting) Audience Players will see the difference In the evaluation you ask players was the object in the space or in your head? Audience,...
by Gary Schwartz | Oct 18, 2018 | Improv Games, Orientation, Warm Up Games
On Becoming Part of a Larger Object You can call out things like “Use your whole body!” to help them become involved. Or, if you see a few ‘hanging back’ you can just call out in general “Take a risk and join in!” This should be...
by Gary Schwartz | Oct 18, 2018 | Improv Games, Orientation, Space Objects, Warm Up Games
Part of a Whole: Activity (WHAT) “Show, don’t tell.” “See what’s going on and join in.” “Become part of the whole!” As Viola says in the book, this group interaction should create flow and energy. Repeat the game until...
by Gary Schwartz | Oct 18, 2018 | Improv Games, Lecture / Explanation, Sensory Awareness, Spacewalks, Viola Spolin, Warm Up Games
Welcome to the Spacewalks Page SIDE COACHING SPACE WALK GAMES/ EXERCISES Space walks should be given often as warm-ups and the side coach must participate actively in these exercises. Spacewalks are appropriate for any group, (classroom, workshop, or show warm-up). It...