Gary Schwartz
Improv Coach

Gary Schwartz is a film actor, director, and a master improvisational acting coach.
It was Gary’s 18-year association with world-renowned theater educator and author, Viola Spolin that provides the foundation for his work today. Gary is the only master teacher to have ever earned an endorsement from both Viola Spolin and her son, Paul Sills, the co-founder and director of The Second City.
“Gary Schwartz is the most gifted student of the Spolin Exercises in America today; he is the one, uniquely trained player, who learned by sitting at the very side of Viola Spolin and observing her uncanny ability to evoke the INTUITIONAL genius of her students.” – Robert K. Greene, husband of Viola Spolin. Hollywood, CA
“Viola Spolin had genius. Gary Schwartz shares her genius with integrity.” – Valerie Harper
I did a weekend intensive with Gary in Brisbane. I’ve been improvising for about seven years now and there’s games that I’ve played repeatedly in multiple cities with dozens of improvisors. I thought I had these down pat, but Gary’s workshop was a revelation. It was like someone finally showed me the code underlying games I’ve been playing all my life. I finally understood the purpose and intention behind the exercises in a way I never had before, and I was able to actively use these to improve my performance. I can also spot players who were in other workshops by the choices they are making now on stage. I would strongly recommend Gary’s workshops to any performer – not just improvisors, but any performer – looking to improve their skills.
I’m in Gary’s Tuesday workshop group and have been for over a year. Each week is a joy as we experience Viola’s work and discovering its meaning, first-hand. Gary brings dynamic insights and is a great coach. His workshops have helped me become a better improviser and teacher, and have also helped me build mindfulness in my daily life. Playing the games has been, and continues to be, a high point of my week!
Gary brings Viola Spolin’s work to life in our Tueday sessions, and they are helping me connect with the essence of improv. We cover a variety of what-should-be-improv-basics (that many other classes skip over) — presence, slowing down to feel, truly embodying our characters, working believably with space-objects, and discovering scenes rather than merely manufacturing them. Our sessions are both lighthearted and focused, and I love this class.