No Fail – No Fear

No Fail – No Fear

“I don’t believe in success and failure.” – Viola Spolin. We all approach new things with some trepidation. I’ve been told by new students that they are there in the workshop because Improv terrifies them and they want to face that fear. Bravo to them for their...
How Viola Spolin Helped Me Overcome Self-Pity

How Viola Spolin Helped Me Overcome Self-Pity

Tales of Viola Spolin Written by Gary Schwartz on January 12, 2012. “Poor me. Nobody loves me.” Underneath my cheerful facade, underneath my very well developed sense of humor, I walked around Hollywood with that deeply embedded in my soul. I was working as a...
Let What You See, See You

Let What You See, See You

Space Walk Commentary (from the Theater Game File Handbook by Viola Spolin: published by Northwestern University Press) Space Walks and Feeling Self with Self, more than just physical sensory and perception exercises, are organic ways of...

Transcending the Game

Giving our full effort is, in effect fulfilling our potential. By testing our limits we ever increase the possibility of going further and further. It is in our nature to explore via play. Remember that in all games, the rules are made to be broken – we forget this....
The Power of Play and the Need for Playing

The Power of Play and the Need for Playing

Play creates happy emotional condition of the organism-as-a-whole. Play involves social values, as does no other behavior. The spirit of play develops social adaptability, ethics, mental and emotional control, and imagination. These are the more complex adjustments a...