Definition: IMPROVISATION: Playing the game; setting out to solve a problem with no preconception as to how you will do it; permitting everything in the environment (animate or inanimate) to work for you in solving the prob¬lem; it is not the scene, it is the way to the scene; a predominate function of the intuitive; playing the game brings opportunity to learn theater to a cross-section of people; “playing it by ear”; process as opposed to result; not ad-lib or “originality” or “making it up by yourself”; a form, if under¬stood, possible to any age group; setting object in motion between play¬ers as in a game; solving of problems together; the ability to allow the acting problem to evolve the scene; a moment in the lives of people with¬out needing a plot or story line for the communication; an art form; trans¬formation; brings forth details and relationships as organic whole; living process.