Basic Blind

Basic Blind

Blind Games Materials Needed: Blindfolds, an abundance of real props and set pieces plus a stationary telephone (not cell phone). This may seem dated but it allows players to hunt for where the phone is. Once you get a Who, What and Where (one with the opportunity to...
Story, Story – Live!

Story, Story – Live!

The game of Building a Story is a staple with improv groups around the world. It is the essence of collaboration by building a story one word at a time and by sharing ideas using give and take and intense listening. Invariably, the challenge wakes you up and your...

How I Met Viola Spolin

My First Encounter with the Mother of Improvisation  I was living in Hollywood, tending bar, performing comedy and mime in local cafes and trying to break into show business like thousands of other hopefuls from all over the country.  A dear friend of mine called from...